资源类型 记录
网盘类型 百度网盘
分享用户 乀最美的姿态
资源收录 教育盘论坛
发布时间 2019-11-12 08:42:47

32集纯正外教自然拼读课程[百度云网盘] These lessons are designed to teach new learners to read by building a phonics based foundation. The beginning reader can use the consonant charts and the vowel charts to learn the basic sounds and spelling of letter combinations. The lessons are arranged in a format that can be easily used by parents and teachers as instructional materials for the purpose of developing basic reading and spelling skills. They would also work well for Homeschool and tutoring. Phonics skills are key elements to the successful development of basic reading and spelling skills. Learning basic math facts using dominoes is included as well as timed addition and subtraction drills. 32集纯正外教自然拼读课程,独特方式解决孩子老大难拼读问题。


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上一篇:英语字母笔顺练习,字母启蒙,多个文件直接打印[百度云网盘] 下一篇:全套电子书+音频:让孩子脑洞大开、充满欢笑的《Storey Treehouse 小屁孩树屋历险记》[百度云网盘]